Hello friends!
I got the itch to doodle something spooky and so I decided to dust off a toned sketchbook that I hadn’t touched in about a year! Poor thing! It’s one of three sketchbooks I have going at the same time, but honestly, two would be more manageable.
It is time to bring out the holiday weirdos! For those not in the know, ‘weirdos’ are my favorite little eyeball creatures that pop up in all sorts of shapes and hide in the strangest places.
Since Halloween is all about candy (that’s a fact), I figured this is the perfect time to look for weirdos in all my favorite treats. I haven’t drawn them in a while, and so I’m excited at what I might find!
The first step is sketching. At this stage, I like to keep my lines loose and fluid. Nothing precise. Just get enough down so that I’ve got a solid base to ink later.